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Healthy Ginger Beer

Beer Ginger is also called Pletok Beer is a refreshing drink made from a mixture of several spices, namely ginger, pandanus fragrant leaves, and lemon grass. This traditional drink is known among the Betawi ethnic. In order to more attractive color, Betawi people usually use additional wood secang, which will provide red when brewed with hot water.

Although it contains the word beer, ginger beer (pletok beer) does not contain alcohol. This drink is efficacious for expediting the blood circulation. Betawi people consume it at night as warmers.

The efficacy of ginger, among others:

Able to relieve stomach pain and restore arthritis.
Ginger proved efficacious as karminativum or can stimulate the release of gas from the stomach so as to cure the cold.
Its warmth is also believed to reduce nausea, cough, and mild flu symptoms.

Other research says, the content of protease enzymes and lipases contained in ginger serves to break down proteins and fats. It is this enzyme that helps digest and absorb food that increases appetite.

Ginger also protects the digestive system by lowering the acidity of the stomach. Acetone and methanol compounds in ginger are also able to inhibit the occurrence of irritation in the digestive tract. The benefit, stomach pain can be reduced by eating ginger. Inflammation of arthritis / arthritis can also be overcome by consuming a lot of ginger because ginger inhibits prostaglandin production-hormones in the body that can trigger inflammation.

Stimulates the release of adrenal hormones that can widen the blood vessels so that the body becomes warm, blood flows more smoothly and blood pressure decreases.

Ginger Also contains cineole and arginine compounds that can cope with premature ejaculation. This compound also stimulates erections, prevents sterility and strengthens sperm endurance. Nothing wrong if people were dubbed him as an aphrodisiac food or food booster sexual arousal.

Treatment of ovarian cancer, ginger is one effective weapon in the treatment of ovarian cancer, preventing colon cancer, because ginger can also slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Healing of pregnant nausea, observations from several studies show, ginger is also as effective as vitamin B6 in overcoming nausea triggered by pregnancy.
Relieving migraine, the study found, ginger can relieve migraine pain by stopping the work of prostaglandins, the cause of pain and inflammation of the blood vessels.
Relieves cramps, in Chinese medicine system, ginger is also used to overcome menstrual cramps.

Healthy Ginger Beer

  • 200 grams of ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 450 ml of water
  • 20 grams of sugar
  • 120 ml of mineral water
  • a small bowl of lemon juice
  • 1 slice of lemon
  • organic honey to taste

How to make :

  • Pour the water in a pan and boil it until it boils. Enter the ginger and reduce the heat. Cook ginger for about 5 minutes. Let stand for 20 minutes and strain. Dissolve sugar with mineral water. Mix 1/2 cup ginger with 1/3 cup of sugar syrup and 1/2 cup water. Put in plastic bottles and this drink is ready for consumption.
  • These drinks also have tremendous benefits in in reducing stomach problems and also improve the work of the digestive system. This drink will also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This ginger beer when taken regularly will help prevent colds and flu. This warm drink will also help in improving blood circulation.


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