Combro is a typical fried food from West Java or
Sundanese. Combro is one of many Sundanese foods named after the ingredients.
Combro stands for "oncom in jero bro" (oncom in bro). Combro is made
of shredded cassava which is round or oval and filled with oncom sauce and then
Combro food is typical Sundanese food. Because combro
stands for oncom in jero (in Sundanese or Javanese, it means more or less the
same oncom inside). Yes, combro is made from grated cassava in which contains
oncom chop. Shaped oval. It tastes guring, spicy salted sambal oncom, and
Traditional regional food such as combro full of
flavors, High nutritious, healthy and also certainly delicious for the people
of Indonesia. Keep loving local products. The character of Rasa Indonesia is so
strong, With Cassava Dominant Material.
Cassava contains almost twice as many calories as the
benefits of potatoes, perhaps one of the highest for any starch-rich tuber. 100
grams of cassava provides 160 calories. Calories are mainly from sucrose,
making up most of these tubers accounting for more than 69% of the total sugar.
The sugar of other amylose complexes is the main carbohydrate source (16-17%).
Cassava is very low in fat compared to cereals or
beans. However, it has more protein than other tropical food sources such as
the benefits of sweet potatoes, potatoes and bananas.
500 gr cassava butter shredded
250 gr coconut half old, grated
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Right amount of oil
contents :
150 gr cheddar cheese, grated
to Make Cheese Combro:
Mix cassava with coconut, salt and
sugar then stir well
Take a little dough (according to your
taste ya want what big) then flatten. Fill with shredded cheese in the middle
and oval shape or according to taste.
Fry the dough in hot oil for 10-12
minutes until brownish yellow, remove and drain.
Serve the cheese combro when it's
still warm.
Good luck
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