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How to Make Tempe Mendoan

The word mendoan is derived from the Indonesian language Banyumas, mendo which means half-baked or mushy. Mendoan means cooking with lots of hot oil quickly so the dishes are not cooked right. The most commonly made food ingredients are tempe and tofu.

Tempe Mendoan is a kind of tempeh dish made from thin tempe, and fried with flour so it tastes savory and crunchy. Traditionally in the Banyumas region of Indonesia, tempe used for mendoan is a thin wrapper type tempe, one or two pieces of wrapping.

Mendoan tempe served in hot conditions accompanied by chili sauce or soy sauce. Mendoan tempe can be used as a side dish to eat or snack to accompany tea or coffee while relaxing.
Mendoan tempe is easily found in traditional stalls in the ex residency of Banyumas and Tegal Indonesia. For the Banyumas region, travelers buy souvenirs tempo mendoan in Sawangan, Purwokerto, which is a typical hawker center Purwokerto Indonesia

This food is very unique, made of tempe which is thinly sliced, then mixed with the dough of spices typical of traditional Indonesian made in one with wheat flour, then in half-cooked frying. As a friend to eat tempe mendoan often use sweet soy sauce, which is given onion, and cayenne and a little salt as a complement. Tempe Mendoan culinary is eaten while still warm as tea or coffee drinking.

The "unique" taste makes this food spread out beyond the Banyumas area. Tempe Mendoan can be found in major cities of Central Java, even to Jakarta.

In other cities in Central Java such as Semarang, Mendoan refers more to fried tempe, or in other areas called tempe kemul, where the thin tempe is only sliced. This is a bit of confusion, especially for migrants from western Central Java. Mendoan purwokerto different from mendoan from several cities in central java region, more felt wet oil. Mendoan typical purwokerto more delicious when served in a warm state.

This food can be made without regard to the amount of tempe or the amount of flour. Mendoan without tempe or mendoan from the former sisia flour also delicious eaten.


  • Tempe mendoan one pack containing more than 4 pieces of tempeh.
  • Medium or low protein flour less or less as much as 4 tablespoons munjung ya. Can be added or subtracted in accordance with the desired viscosity.
  • Leaves onion or leaf fresh kucai sufficiently. Wash clean then chop and sliced small slices.
  • Tapioca starch just a little more savory or less as much as 0.5 small spoon.
  • Cold water sufficiently to mix the dough.
  • Cooking oil sufficiently to fry tempe mendoan it.

  • The main ingredients of the ingredients of the mendoan recipe are large medium size garlic of approximately 3 cloves only.
  • Kencur little or less as long as 1 cm only.
  • Coriander approximately as much as 0.5 small spoon.
  • Iodized kitchen salt to taste or approximately as much as half a small sendk.
  • Instant powdered chicken taste little chicken if you like. Can be eliminated if not like.

  • First puree and seasoning tempe mendean tempe that has been prepared until smooth and flat.
  • Take the container then enter the spice mendoan above.
  • Put the flour and flour but then stir until blended.
  • Pour cold water then stir until blended and obtained a moderate degree of consistency.
  • Pour the sliced ​​leek or chicken leaves then stir until blended.
  • Heat the stove with enough oil and wait until it is hot.
  • While waiting for hot oil, dip it and let the tempe to be fried inside the flour mixture mendoan.
  • Enter the tempe that has been wrapped in flour into cooking oil to taste.
  • Cook briefly or until the bottom of the tempe is slightly dry then turn it and immediately lift it when it's changing color and rather mature.
  • Drain briefly or it can also be placed on the tissue so that the oil cepet sink.
  • If the dough flour mendoannya still can be fried also with a little spooned and then poured slowly to form a crumb crumb crispy.

  • Red and green cayenne pepper to taste or approximately as much as 6 to 8 pcs.
  • Iodized salt kitchen just a little taste.
  • Sweet soy sauce to taste or approximately as much as 2 tablespoons.
  • How to make the first slice of red and green chillies then mixed with a sweet soy sauce and a little salt iodinenya kitchen.

  • Cooking oil should be new or still good and a bit more and use a frypan with a rather large diameter.
  • Tempe used should be tempe leaf mendoan to fit the level of thickness. But if not there can also use rectangular tempe from the origin of its thickness when slicing it.
  • Powdered flour dough not too dilute or too thick yes. Simply so that later tasty and crunchy fit.
  • Wheat flour used to make dough recipe mendoan select which low or moderate protein content or commonly used to make fried foods. Do not use high protein flour because it will be a bit hard and tough when the tempenya is cold.
  • To be more crispy and crispy, in addition to wheat flour can also be added a little tapioca starch, cornstarch or can also use a little rice flour.
  • Leaves of onions or chives should not be chopped or sliced ​​too big.


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